Little Red Riding Hood revolting rhymes text


Little Red Riding Hood revolting rhymes text


The authors of this tale are Jacob and Willhelm Grimm

and not someone else with a pseudonym.

Once there was a very little girl,

that lived near a wood with squirrel.

Her name was Little Red Riding Hood

and her grandmother lived in a house beyond the wood.

The young girl was not very tall and was never sad

but we know absolutely nothing about her dad.

She had a basket, that always took

and her mother loved to cook.

Whenever she left the house her mother said:

“Don’t talk to strangers, they might be bad”.

She always showed her politeness 

and all the time wore her red dress.

She didn’t take dangerous way

and loved at home so much to stay.


The grandmother lived alone and was ill in bed

so Little Red Riding Hood filled her basket with some bread

LRRH wanted to stay near the grandmother and have a talk

so she took her things for the travel and went on a walk.

She started walking on the trail, 

in the forest she saw a nightinhale.

The bird heard her and took to fly

and disappeard in a moment into the blue sky.

She wasn’t scared about the “monsters”

because in the woods there were the hunters

She walked without concerns for a long distance 

then a big wolf came with a ready stance:

“Where are you going tiny girl” the wolf said

“To my grandmother who is ill, are you bad?”

“Where is grandmother’s home?” he finally ask

“Beyond the woods, to give her this basket, that’s my task”

The wolf wasn’t sated of a veal

so he wanted to use the grandmother like a meal.

He ate her, but also wanted LRRH,

so he put on grandma clothes an got into bed.

LRRH continued on her walk in the woods

with her wicker basket full of goods.

She arrived at house in solitude

and after knocking at the door, on the table laid he food

She looked around and wanted to say:

“Grandmother have you sleeping all the day?”

She didn’t reply

so LRRH entered the room, she went inside

she saw the grandmother in the bed

so with her gentle voice said:

“Oh, you have such big eyes!”

“Yes, it’s to see better the sunrise”

“Oh, you have such big ears!”

“Yes, it’s to listen the music of the spheres”

“Oh, what big arms you have there!”

“yes it’s to hug you better, the grandchild whom I care”

“Oh, but you have such big teeth”

And the wolf replied: “to better eat you with”

The wolf didn’t wait to eat

and the little girl in his teeth disappeard just to the feet.

The animal weary and burdened in the woods started to sleep

but a few moments later arrived a jeep.

The man sarted taking wolf’s skins

so a new life for the two women begins.

From a bad action that could have a quarrel 

the LRRH learned a new moral 

“don’t have to give informations to someone you don’ know,

they may look good but that’s just a show”.



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